Let’s start with the blowing question filled up…

Every moment is…?

Based on the question above; so many may have replied with words like; precious, interesting, bullshit, priceless, special, and some other interesting replies. See, every moment is in fact how you want it to be, and less about how other people want it to be. Every moment is your moment!

The only way you will learn about life is by living and I have learned that every moment is your moment. Sometimes the moments are messy, beautiful or scary, or weird but they are all yours. CHERISH THEM”.

I one day asked my friend why he always lives in a moment…and he replied by saying, “a moment is all I have”. It did not make sense to me at first but I took my time and processed what it meant, and it changed my life. Just like that…

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been in my head. Always thinking about what will happen next, or asking myself if the timing is the best and the list could go on and on…I like the fact that I’m always conscious because my consciousness makes me own up to the consequences of my actions but the challenge comes when I’m too conscious to be in a moment and always onto the next moment. 

Does my experience sound familiar?... If yes, here is the thing you should know, a moment is all you have and which means you are entitled to each one of them because it is yours. So whatsoever comes out of it, CHERISH THEM…and that way, you will be living a rewarding life. 

How about we end a vicious cycle of hurts and regrets?

One good thing that I have learned about living in the moment is that there are no regrets. And yes, something bad might come out of it but there is always something that makes it worth it, which is, time that you’ll never get back. See it might be weird or wild and probably won’t make sense to some of you guys, but that is just how life is…it doesn’t make sense until it does and then goes back to not making sense again…it’s a vicious cycle. 

So how do you end a vicious cycle of hurts and regrets? It’s simple…Make each moment worth it!


Tips on making each moment worth it:

  • Appreciate where you are, and what you have. You need to learn to express gratitude towards yourself or someone, whether it is the little things or little moments. Learn to appreciate them. 
  • Face your fears or whatsoever scares you from living in the moment. Do not tolerate your fears; eliminate them by living in the moment.
  • Live past everyone else’s expectations. Do not let people’s expectations of how you should live, and where you should be (financially, intellectually, or relationship-wise) prevent you from making each moment worth it. 
  • Try not to let your mind wander. 

Mind you,

Do not live in the moment if you do not want to live in the moment. And this is because; every wasted moment may lead to chaos, resentments and which may later cause psychological challenges. 


The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it”.

-Thomas S. London 

PS: If you have any concern, please feel free to reach me out through the connect form or by clicking the WhatsApp icon. Thank you and cheers to momento living!