She is a daughter, sister, friend, and a people’s person. She is a dreamer, that’s goes after her dreams. She is passionate, confident, authentic, meticulous, and dedicated in everything she does. She got broken in so many ways than anyone can ever imagine but still manages to chin up and smile. She is a loner and reserved sometimes. She loves to laugh out loud. She is caring, friendly, passive aggressive, sensitive, and a lover. She is an understanding person and a good communicator. SHE CERTAINLY IS A HUMAN!

Growing up, she had to find her voice and what she believes in. It was hard because of the people she surrounded herself with. She got caught up between what she believes is right and what other people will think is right. It is always conflicting trying to live up to other people’s expectations. She later liberated herself although along the way, pointless compromises were made. She tripped a thousand times to get to where she is right now. Life experiences (the good and the bad) have changed her life in a more positive way than negative. She is a precious gift given to the world by God. 

There are so many Jacqueline’s out here trying so hard to be who they are meant to be and voice up. I want to encourage you that you’ve got this and it’s never going to be easy but it is going to be worth it, EVENTUALLY. 

Life is hard and lonely, I agree. Other times it is exciting and full of purpose. I am certain that it is how life is; sometimes you feel low and other times at your best. No matter what you go through, do not ever lose yourself. You are precious, different, capable, seen, beautiful, appreciated, loved and most particularly, ENOUGH. Do not let ANYBODY make you feel OTHERWISE. God created you for a purpose and it is okay to find yourself even when it doesn’t make sense to other people. So go out there and BE and DO YOU because YOU are DIFFERENT and AMAZING!

PS: If you are going through something and you need someone to talk to. Please hit me up through my email or you can click the WhatsApp icon to immediately message me. We’ve got us. 
