I tend to believe that expectations are innately engraved in us. Nobody can ever teach you how to expect anything rather you can learn not to expect anything from yourself or anyone. 

We often put in the work and expect something great to turn out. We go to university expecting to graduate after a period of time. We expect our significant others to act as the way they are supposed to. We also expect our parents to fulfill their parental duties. The act of expecting naturally happens (it is just there). Nobody gets to have a conversation on ways to expect or how to expect something in this world. The only conversation I’ve heard so far is, “Do not expect anything or low your expectations”. 

~Just a social construct~

What to expect or not to expect sounds like a social construct to me. People tell you when you should expect or not expect. Or whom you should expect something from. Isn’t it just a social construct? What if we grew up in a world where expectations aren’t socially constructed? 

I believe in expectations and positioning of one self at a point of acceptance if what a person expected turns out differently. Tell you what? Those people who vibe with the flow of “LOW EXPECTATIONS” they basically have no belief on what they are expecting on. There’s no guarantee that what you expect will be manifested. Or when you expect someone to do something, he or she will do it. THERE’S NO GUARANTEE BUT DON’T YOU THINK IT’S WORTH IT? My point is, you cannot say you do not expect passionate love and transparency from a person you are having an authentic and a committed relationship with. IF YOU DON’T, then you are wasting your time. You are definitely living a LIE unless it was a mutual agreement on NO EXPECTATIONS ZONE. Do expect when you invest your time and energy on someone, something or even yourself. 


We all expect good grades when we study, but why not in relationships? We all expect answered prayers because we believe in what we are praying for and whom we are praying to. Now this shows that most people do not believe in their relationship that is why they do not want to expect anything.

Yeah, expectations do hurt sometimes, but the only way you can protect yourself from getting hurt is by learning to accept things. Especially when they do not turn out as you expected! I am not going to tell you not to expect anything or something similar to, “low your expectations”. The only thing that I am going to say is that, level up your expectations and position yourself at a state of acceptance if it turns out differently. ONLY THE BRAVE ONES CAN DO THIS! SO BE BRAVE.