The silenced…. 

The shame and the trauma that paves a way for silence. We often decide to stay behind bars because we are ashamed of our past or we are trying to protect our past. Silence is a result of avoiding the pain, questions, the projections, and the attentions from people.

But when you think about it…silencing yourself does not erase all the damage and the shame, it only suppress it.  The worst part about being silent is that, you do not get to see how holding everything to yourself negatively impacts you, until when it’s almost too late. 

It only takes one step out of the silence for the brave ones to face the real world, REGARDLESS OF THE TRAUMATIC PAST. Everybody is in control of his or her own life, which means no matter how much trauma your family or loved ones have caused you, In the end it has to start with YOU. Let’s just stop this “blaming cycle”… yes you are messed up because of people around you (family, peers), but let me ask you, what have you personally done about it? We all need to reach a point of taking ownership of our part in making mistakes and not just projecting on to other people. It is the only way we can get past our emotional baggage, traumatic childhood, abusive relationships, insecurities and so many other unhealthy things. Projecting and blaming other people for destroying your life, will never change what they did. The only thing that will change is, only if you look at it in a more positive perspective and be ready to deal with the entire trauma they’ve caused you. Yes, your dad was not responsible when you were growing up. But are you ready to be labeled as, “the miserable young lady with daddy issues?” Just think about it…

Seeking for moral or psychological help is not a weakness. It never will be! All I am trying to say is that, if you’ve been holding something in your heart for a very long time and you see or haven’t seen the impact of it yet, please do talk to someone or seek for professional help. 

Remember that, it is your life and you have the potential to make it colorful, and worth living!



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  1. It was helpful, it's good to speak with others on how we feel but sometimes silence is best answer.

    1. Yea, I get it! We've all remained silent at some point in our lives!...

  2. Well said
    Though in our setting mind sets should be changed as most of the people are not seeking psychological support.
    Nice work my Jaja of Opobo😍

  3. Well said dear sema daaah au basi

  4. Well said ...but sometimes we keep silence so as to reduce the chain of who will be hurt..💔

    1. Whereby you end up hurting yourself too. How about you also put your mental health first too?

  5. Your words talking with me J,am in that world of keeping myself silence.

    1. I do hope you will learn to open up as from reading this. If I can be of any help, please let me know!

  6. wonderful piece. although this bad habit is so deep seated in our culture. its only in Africa where boys are taught that it is girlish to open up and speaking is a weakness. we are taught constantly that boys don't cry and its toughness when u bottle up so many emotions inside of you. but all that bottling up emotions is very dangerous and its probably one of the reasons why so many people out there stuck up in toxic and abusive relationships, the reason why there is so much sadness and depression out there and boys are dying like flies. people really need to understand that death is inevitable in life, so is pain. but how we navigate through this shady business of life depends entirely on us. pain is something we can and we should carry with us and learn from it but keeping quite, thinking that that is man enough will just send us to an early grave and trust me despite all the pain we will face in life there is still as many good things and happy moments awaiting, life is still one helluva party broh you don,t want to miss

    1. What can I say? You've said it all! Thank you for sharing😊
