You know, we often judge a person by his or her acts even when we do or do not know the story that drove such acts. I came to realize that it is until that moment when we get to personally experience what the other person has experienced is when we gain compassion, understanding and stop being judgmental (since you personally know what that person went through to do what he or she did). Let me ask you guys this question, isn’t it true that sometimes we do things and end up questioning ourselves like; is that really me who did that? Because deep down you know that you are not capable of such acts, but guess what! ANYBODY IS CAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING.

I believe most of us have set personally boundaries and we end up breaking those boundaries at a blink of an eye! BUT what is it exactly that happens? Please don’t calm or comfort yourself by saying that, ‘falling short is humanity’. Yes, it definitely is but sometimes isn’t okay, IT IS SO NOT OKAY. Just imagine, you’ve been building your career for 20 years or more and between those years you’ve sacrificed A LOT. And there comes a tiny mistake that you consciously do that makes those years of hard work, A WASTE. Do you find it okay? I find it, it’s horrific.
Some things that we do are not self-driven; they are peer-driven. Behaviors can be learned and unlearned from peers. Sadly how we entertain such pressure of doing things that we personally don’t think of doing until when it’s no longer FUN. See, most people stop doing things when they notice that it’s no longer fun or when they get to see the negative impacts of such acts. Why wait for the fun to end while you can do and be better? ISN’T IT JUST SHOWING YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN’T GROW UP? Because reliving the cycle, basically means you are good with not growing up! But are you though?
Isn’t it tiring you? (Those things that you do and you aren’t proud of them). How about we stop this cycle, altogether? Trust me, it’s not going to be easy because I am also struggling we things that need to be quitted in my life and I’m still working on myself which is why, I also want you to work on yourself. Wake up each day and make one step at a time without going back because that’s the starting point. Share the things or acts that you struggle with to someone you trust and if it makes you feel better, WRITE ABOUT IT & LET IT ALL OUT. We’ve been granted this precious gift called life and I get the fact that we all struggle figuring it out. So let’s not waste it by doing the mistakes over and over again because I know we can be and do better (YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD AND DO NOT LET ANYBODY TELL YOU OTHERWISE). So cheers to respecting ourselves and growing up!    

PS: If you want to talk about anything that troubles you, kindly email me or click the WhatsApp icon to directly message me. Thank you!
