Bullying is a consistent hurting behaviour, (can happen anywhere and can be done by anybody). Bullying isn’t a good act, it causes pain and you end up finding yourself unwanted and worthless. There are various types of bullying such as, physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and cyber bullying.
I know some of you be like, “this thing is most common in Western countries and not Africa”. Well on the other side I might agree with you guys but the real thing here is because we do not talk about it and that’s why we don’t see it happening.
Bullying is mostly experienced by teens and to be honest it’s not a normal part of growing up. Bullying affects everyone. Whether you’re the target, the bystander or even the kid who picks on others. Bullying can also be caused by various factors such as, being seen as unique, having cognitive disability, perceived as socially awkward and having few friends and so forth.
Here is the saddest truth that most people do not know. We sometimes wish to be like someone else and due to the fact that we cannot be like him or her, we end up bullying him or her. It’s very sad that, the bullied ones do not know this secret that they are being “secretly admired” by the bullies and instead they end up feeling unwanted and worthless.
“Bullying is for people who have no confidence. So everyone who is being bullied, please remember they are scared of you. You have something they don’t, and that’s what makes them bully you. Don’t let their words affect you because they are the ones needing confidence, not you”

“It’s none of my business-I should just ignore it and walk away-right?” Some of us might be thinking that way but I just want you to picture yourself in the target’s place. If you were being laughed at, gossiped about, made fun of, you’d probably want someone to help you out. So please let’s learn to do the same like, when you see someone being laughed at, instead of walking away, help the target by “STANDING UP FOR HIM OR HER”.

I remember when I was in high school, I happened to be verbally bullied by my three roommates and honestly speaking it was one of the hurtful situations I ever experienced. I never had the guts to “SPEAK UP” for myself so instead I used to get away from the situation by staying late in class during prep hours, so that if I get back in my room I should find them asleep. I also remember that I used to cry myself to sleep at night and the only person I ever talked about it was my other roommate, and I remember what she told me was, “I am unique and that’s why I get bullied by my other roommates”. She is the only roommate that I am in contact with until today because the least she did was to “NOT JOIN IN”. All that I am trying to say is that,
Bullying is everywhere; you might get bullied at work, home, school and even at church or mosque. Do not ever let bullies use their powers to hurt or control you because he or she doesn’t have that right.
Some people think bullying is just part of growing up and a way for young people to learn to stick up for themselves. But bullying can have long-term physical and psychological consequences. Some of these include: panic attacks, headaches, nightmares, withdrawal from school and family activities and it can even lead to depression. So please let’s go out there and fight against bullying!


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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, it's my pleasure that you learnt something from this article!

  2. Weak Narrow Minded people of the world. Bullying will always be around - it always has been and ALWAYS will be. You cannot control or change human nature on such a deep level. Its like trying to stop us loving, you just can't do that. What you can do and no-one is currently doing this is to teach your kids how to handle bullies and turn the situation around. Trying to ban it or stop it happening is laughable and shows people in high places have no idea what they are on about. Ask a bully if he will stop because of an ad campaign or a teacher telling them not too - guess what their answer will be.

    1. This is interesting, i believe everything is hard when it comes to the point of stopping it but we can at least try to fight against it and let everyone know that bullying isn't a good act. Who knows, maybe even a bully might realise that!
