Let’s start by knowing what trust really is in this perspective. Trust is to accept that time is irrelevant, circumstances are learning experiences, and life is infinite. To trust the process means to know and have faith that there is a divine plan moving through you and your life in any moment though sometimes it’s hard. It even reaches a time when you want it to happen so fast and since it doesn’t, you start occupying your mind with different alternatives but what we do not understand is that, “we get to understand ourselves much more when we are in that process”.
“Trust the process and allow life to unfold”
We live in a world where everything feels like a tradition. This makes us not to trust and embrace the process and we always find ourselves skipping the process because the traditional way is simpler. Personally, I used to hate the process, and like I always used to find ways to get out of that process-cell. What I later came to realize is that, I can’t skip the process; I have to embrace it and trust that it will bring the best out of me even when I do not understand what is unfolding.
“Trust your process”
Do you doubt yourself? I do. Every time I write my articles I be like, nobody is going to like it, it’s not good enough, who will even try to read it? And blaah blaah! It’s just the feeling of not trusting myself that I can make it. However, it reaches a time and I tell myself that, I need to have faith in the process and stop comparing myself to others. Plus why do most of us compare ourselves to others? It’s your life and which means you have to go through all the process in it by yourself and whereby it won’t be the same process as the other person you are comparing yourself to. STOP THE COMPARISON AND TRUST YOUR PROCESS!
“It’s about building momentum, making sure the flame of inspiration doesn’t quit”
Well I am a blogger, actually it’s only few hours until I reach a complete one year of blogging and I am very proud of myself. The idea of blogging didn’t just come up from nowhere. It took me almost two solid years to realize that I can write and change the world. I remember when I was in my high school, I used to write poems and sometimes just anything that comes up in my mind during physics classes. It was just for fun and I never realized that I had it in me until two years pass. So it was a process, and I didn’t rush things, I let it to happen naturally because I never wanted to go with the flow. What I am trying to say is that, my dad is an Editor and my brother is a Published Author and I didn’t want to write just because they are in the same field but I wanted to be sure and know if I am really passionate about what I am about to do. I trusted and continuing trusting my process though it’s not that easy!
Let me wrap this up by saying that, to trust the process, wholly, completely, is to not need to know what is unfolding or why, but to simply be here in the present to experience it. “HOLD THE VISION AND TRUST THE PROCESS”


Post a Comment


  1. Woow its xo interestng how things come up in time
    I mean a loong time kip it up darlng😘😘

    1. Thank you darling!���� And next time write a proper English,not xo and kip ��

  2. Enter your comment...keep it up jajaa.. happy birthday in advance

  3. You will manifest your greatest dreams but you have to be patient and trust the process as everything unfolds.
    This part of my life feels like a metamorphosis. There is a lot of changes in my life out of my control right now. I am learning to trust the process even though it is extremely uncomfortable. I am hoping this is when the caterpillar turns into a butterfly....kiddo ya message recall my High School moments.

  4. Sure, i support you 100%. Cause it already happen to me once in my career achievements, it was a real process that i could need to trust before, but i couldn't trust. I think after leading this article i have learn and get something new. Thanks keep it up mu best friend.

  5. Sure, i support you 100%. Cause it already happen to me once in my career achievements, it was a real process that i could need to trust before, but i couldn't trust. I think after leading this article i have learn and get something new. Thanks keep it up mu best friend.

  6. congratulation madam, you a crutial person to Tz keep it up we are supporting ypu.
    happy belated, trust the prpcess and keep forwad
